art with code


Paper Radio

I made a weird thing by bolting a couple of AI models together: Paper Radio - a streaming 24/7 radio channel that goes through the latest AI papers on arXiv, with daily and weekly summary shows. I use it to stay up to speed on AI research, playing in the background while I go about my day.

The app is made up of a bunch of asynchronous tasks running in parallel: There's the paper downloader that checks arXiv for new papers and downloads them, the PDF-to-text and PDF-to-images converters, a couple different summarizers for the different shows, an embeddings database, prompting system to write the shows, an LLM server, a streaming text-to-speech system with multiple voices, a paper page image video stream, a recording and mp3 encoding system, and OBS to wrap it all into a live video stream that can be sent to Twitch.

It's been pretty solid, running for days in a row without issues, aside from the tweaking and nudging and other dev work. Ran it for a couple of weeks, summarized and discussed a couple thousand papers.

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